Activity Center

Welcome to the Harrison High School Activity Center, home of the Martin Marietta Performing Arts Theater and the Wildcat Sports Arena.
"Southwest's Crown Jewel" opened in 2002. Seating 770, the Martin Marietta Theater doubles the capacity of the old Veterans Auditorium. The theater is built with a curved acoustical balcony, a state-of-the-art sound and lighting control booth, a full stage "fly" rigging system, closed-circuit television network, scene shop, green room, dressing rooms and orchestra pit.
The Wildcat Sports Arena seats 2,400 and includes an indoor walking/running track on the upper level surrounding the court. The configuration of the bleachers can be modified to accommodate a variety of events. The gymnasium complex also includes four locker rooms with shower facilities and an athletic training room.
Indoor Walking Track
The Wildcat Sports Arena's indoor walking track is open to the public on the following schedule:
Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM, and 3:00-9:00 PM, except during events in the Arena
Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
The walking track is not open on weekends or holidays, or when school is closed due to inclement weather. Also, the walking track may occasionally be closed to accommodate a special event occurring in the Arena, such as large group testing. Please check the calendar on the video boards in the Activity Center Lobby for the most up-to-date information on walking track hours.
NOTE: Eleven laps around the indoor walking track equals one mile.
Some Interesting Facts
- The entire Activity Center covers 78,000 square feet, and includes parking for 356 cars and 36 school buses.
- You could rappel down the entire Empire State Building using the rope in the Theater's stage "fly" rigging system.
- The 61.1 miles of electrical and communication wire could be stretched from Harrison, Ohio to Dayton, Ohio.
- There are approximately 1,600 light fixtures in the entire building.
- The cable for the Theater stage equals the length of 20 football fields.
- The length of the pedestrian bridge connecting the Activity Center with the high school is equal to the wingspan of a 727 jet.
- If the 158 doors in the building were stacked end-to-end, they would reach twice as high as the Washington Monument.

Mike Morris Director of Facilities and Communication