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HJS Update

Posted on: October 31, 2023

Dear Middle School Parents,

I hope this message finds you well. As we enter the second quarter of the school year, I wanted to address a few important topics that are vital to the success and well-being of our students. Your support and partnership are essential in ensuring that our middle schoolers thrive both academically and socially.

  1. Getting Involved in Activities Outside of School:

We strongly encourage our students to explore extracurricular activities and get involved in their community. Participation in clubs, sports, or volunteer opportunities can provide them with valuable experiences, help build social skills, and foster personal growth. We have a wide range of clubs and activities available at our school, and I encourage you to discuss these options with your child. Getting involved in extracurriculars can lead to a more well-rounded and enriching middle school experience.

To get involved in items during the winter, here is the contact information for the following:

Basketball –   Boys 7th Grade –

                     Boys 8th Grade –

                     Girls 7th Grade –

                     Girls 8th Grade –

Boys Wrestling  -

Girls Wrestling –

We also have a few other programs that will be starting soon.  We have our Junior School Theatre Program.  This year’s auditions are coming up soon.  If your child is interested in getting involved in theatre, they can do so by emailing  Information will also be shared on announcements and social media.  Information regarding auditions are available here: Seussical Audition Flyer.pdf 

We also have a community theatre program that is starting, that while they are not affiliated or sponsored by the school, our students are welcome to get involved.  Their information is available here: HarrisonOctober2023FlyerSOUTHWEST (002).pdf 

Finally, Harrison High School is sponsoring a ski club this year.  While there is not a formal Junior School Ski Club, students who do like to ski can get discounted tickets.  Information is available at the following link: Harrison High School Ski Sign up Instructions.pdf 


  1. The Importance of Monitoring Cell Phones and Apps:

In today's digital age, it's crucial to be vigilant when it comes to your child's use of cell phones and apps. Please take the time to regularly check your child's phone and the apps they are using. Talk to them about responsible digital citizenship and the potential risks associated with social media and messaging apps. Encourage open communication with your child, so they feel comfortable reporting any inappropriate messages or behavior they encounter. It is a collective effort to ensure their online safety.

  1. Getting Off to a Good Academic Start in the 2nd Quarter:

The start of the second quarter is an excellent opportunity for students to set new academic goals and refresh their commitment to learning. Encourage your child to stay organized, maintain a regular study routine, and seek help from teachers or tutors when needed. We are here to support their academic journey, and it's important for them to take advantage of the resources available to them. Encourage a positive attitude towards learning and the pursuit of excellence.

Conference Sign-Ups for our November 8th conference night will be coming out later this week via email.

Our Bi-Weekly “F” notification will start this Wednesday.  Please be on the lookout and contact your students teacher’s directly in regards to your child’s grades.

In conclusion, we value your partnership and commitment to your child's education. These middle school years are a pivotal time for growth and development, and we are here to support your child's success in every way we can. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to a productive and engaging second quarter.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education!

Harrison Junior School