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Parent-Teacher Conference Relocation Information

Posted on: September 29, 2019

As the district has announced, the forecast includes record-breaking heat once again this week.  All four elementary buildings and the Junior School will dismiss two hours early Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  After school athletics and extra-curricular clubs are also cancelled at the Elementary and JS levels.

Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled at Whitewater Valley Elementary for Tuesday, October 1st from 4:00-8:00.  This time is valuable for many reasons and strengthens the connection between home and school.  In order to respect your family’s calendar, which I’m sure is packed, we are relocating conferences to Harrison High School rather than rescheduling for another night. 

Whitewater Valley Elementary teachers will be set up in various air-conditioned high school classrooms.  You will be provided the room number for each teacher.  Please use the HS map available HERE to find the room number for your conferences.  Your conference time is the same one you signed up for on, only the location has changed.  There will also be a table in the HS lobby with office staff available to guide you and answer any questions you may have.  Luckily, fall temps are back in the forecast by Friday! 

Please call the school with any questions at 367-5577.



~ Mrs. Mia Neckel
~ Principal