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MWE Update

Posted on: January 2, 2024

I hope this message finds you well and that you had a wonderful holiday season surrounded by family and friends!  As we step into the new year, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and partnership in fostering a positive and enriching learning environment at MWE.

Happy New Year! May 2024 bring joy and countless opportunities for growth and success for both you and your children. As we embark on the second semester of the school year, I am filled with excitement for all the learning, achievements, and special moments that lie ahead.  Believe it or not, there are less than one hundred days left in the 2023-24 school year.  That's right, our team of educators only have 90 days remaining to live our SLSD mission and guide your children to grow academically and socially.  This seems like a lot of time, but it's going to fly by!  As always, our team at MWE is committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating educational experience for every child.  The strong work ethic that the MWE teachers & students showed in the classroom first semester reminded us not only of their dedication, but of the potential to reach our goal of 1.5 years of growth via NWEA MAP assessments (fall-spring).  Together, as a collaborative school community, we will continue to inspire a love for learning at MWE!

During the upcoming semester, we will continue to focus on fostering a positive school culture, promoting inclusivity, and encouraging a growth mindset among our students. We value your involvement in your child's education and encourage you to stay engaged in their learning journey. Whether it's attending parent-teacher conferences in February, participating in school events, or simply having open communication with your child's teacher, your partnership is crucial to their success.  Please review the list of second semester important dates and upcoming events below.  For those of you who love to plan ahead, click the links for the Southwest Local School District calendars for the next 2 years: 2024-2025 SLSD Calendar  & 2025-2026 SLSD Calendar .  


January, 2024 - School Board Appreciation Month

Jan. 1-2 Winter Break - No School 

Jan. 3 - School resumes ~ 1st day of Second Semester 

Jan. 3 - PBIS Assembly 10:00am

Jan. 3 - Student Banking 

Jan. 8-12- NWEA MAP Winter Benchmark assessment week

Jan. 9 - SRO Law Enforcement Appreciation Day - Thanks, Officer Dennis!!

Jan. 9 - PTO Meeting - 6:30pm in Kdg. ELA

Jan. 12 - First Semester Awards Assembly (grades 3, 4, 5) 1:30pm

Jan. 15 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School 

Jan. 17 - Student Banking 

Jan. 18 - MWE Spelling Bee (grades 4-5) 1:30pm

Jan. 19 - Second qtr. report card grades posted in ProgressBook 

Jan. 31 - Student Banking 


Feb. 5-9 - National School Counselors week - Thanks, Mrs. Gieringer!!

Feb. 6 - HJS Guidance Counselors visit 5th grade at 9:45am

Feb. 6 - Parent Teacher Conferences from 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Feb. 8 - Parent Teacher Conferences from 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM 

Feb. 13 - PTO Meeting - 6:30 in Kdg. ELA

Feb. 14 - Student Banking 

Feb. 15 - PTO Skatin’ Place event 5:30-8:30

Feb. 16 - Conference Release Day - No School 

Feb. 19 - Presidents’ Day - No School 

Feb. 22 - 4th & 5th grade students to Activity Center for HJS drama performance of "Seussical the Musical"

Feb. 28 - Student Banking 


March 5 - PTO Meeting - 6:30pm in Kdg. ELA 

March 5 - PBIS Assembly 2:00pm

March 6 - CAT Store

March 8 - End of 3rd Quarter - No School 

March 13 - Student Banking 

March 18-22 - NWEA MAP Spring Benchmark assessment week

March 19 - Talent Show dress rehearsal 4:00-6:30pm 

March 20 - Talent Show 7:00 at Activity Center

March 25-29 Spring Break - No School 


April 1 - Easter Monday - No School 

April 2 - PTO Meeting @ 6:30 PM 

April 2-19 - OST ELA Assessments (grades 3-5)

April 3 - Student Banking 

April 4 - National School Librarian Appreciation Day - Thanks, Mrs. Meckstroth!!

April 12 - First Grade grandparent’s Day 9:30am

April 17 - Student Banking 

April 19 - SLSD Daddy-Daughter Dance (7:00-9:00)

April 20 - SLSD Mom Prom (7:00-9:00)

April 22 - May 10- OST Mathematics & Science Assessments (grades 3-5)

April 24 - Administrative Professionals Day - Thanks, Mrs. Schille & Miss Dwenger!!


There is a strong connection between academic and social growth.  One of our Southwest Local School District priorities is to have 100% of our students in Kindergarten through 12th grade participate in an after-school club or extracurricular activity.  We ask that families complete a survey each quarter to help us support students who are already engaged in extra-curriculars and identify students who would like to try something new after school or on weekends.  Oftentimes, children participate in different sports or clubs seasonally so we like to update our data 4 times a year.  Please take the time to complete this short survey before January 10th  Keep an eye out for flyers in your child's "take-home" folder announcing new clubs for second semester - including Lego Masters, Karate, Chess, Yoga, and American Sign Language.



All students in grades K-3 at Southwest Local School District will undergo dyslexia screening as part of new Ohio law requirements. This non-intrusive process aims to identify early signs of dyslexia, and if your child is flagged, they may be given a Tier 2 Screener for further assessment and tailored support. This is not a comprehensive dyslexia assessment designed to diagnose your child with dyslexia. The screener is designed to identify areas of concern in specific components of reading that identify your child as being below or well below grade level expectations. 

Students in SLSD will receive an initial screening through Aimsweb Plus. K-3 students are already taking this assessment three times a year (fall, winter, & spring).  Students who score in the 25th percentile or below on the winter administration of Aimsweb Plus, will then be given an additional assessment called the RAN. If your child scores in an at-risk range on the RAN, they will be given the PAST assessment to target areas for intervention. We will notify you if your child will be receiving interventions based on these screenings.

SLSD Timeline for Dyslexia Assessments 2023-2024

Week of December 11: 1st-3rd grade AIMSWeb Plus Benchmark 

Week of January 8: Kindergarten AIMSWeb Plus Benchmark

Week of February 5: RAN administered to any K-3rd grade student who scored in the 25th percentile or below on AIMSWeb Plus

February 20-29: PAST assessment administered for any K-3rd grade student who took the RAN and scored at-risk

Week of March 4: Data Analysis (Identify Areas of Concern and Interventions that Align)

Week of March 11: Begin Intervention

March 11-April 26: 6-8 Week Intervention Window

Week of April 29: Re-administer PAST to this target group of students

During data meetings the month of May at MWE, all students will be placed in WIN Time MTSS groups for the following fall (2024-2025 school year) based on areas of need. 


If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher or our school office. Your input is highly valued, and we are here for you.  We can't wait to have our young wildcats back in the building bright & early tomorrow morning!

Wishing you a fantastic start to the second semester filled with smiles, learning, and accomplishments. Let's make 2024 a year to remember at Miami Whitewater Elementary School!