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HJS Update

Posted on: May 24, 2023

As we close out the last few days of school, we wanted to share some important and key pieces of information to families and help provide clarifications as we close out the school year.


Student Schedules


Previously, in an email we stated that we would have student schedules out this week.  Our intention was to distribute them to students today.  However, it is incredibly important to us that our student’s schedules are accurate and specific.  In addition, we want to allow them time to make any schedule change requests that they may have prior to the start of the school year.  Our leadership team at the building level made the determination today that if we do not feel 100% confident that ALL of our schedule are accurate that we will delay handing them out until we can confirm they are accurate. 


With this in mind, we are delaying the distribution of schedules.  Our hope, is that we have them ready prior to students going home this summer.  If we need to delay further, we will mail schedules home to our families with specific instructions with any requests for schedule changes.  These changes will be completed prior to the start of the school year and communicated to families.


We firmly believe in our core value of Ownership.  We apologize for any inconvenience and delay that this may cause.  Rest assured, our team is hard at work and committed to ensuring that every student schedule is ready and accurate.


8th Grade Dance


Our 8th Grade Dance is this Friday.  A friendly reminder of a few key pieces and FAQs for families.


  1. This dance is for 8th Grade HJS students only.  Students are NOT allowed to bring students from different grade levels or schools.  This is a special opportunity for our 8th Graders to say goodbye for the summer and celebrate with each other.
  2. School attendance is required to attend the 8th Grade dance.  If students plan to come to the dance, the need to plan to come to school.  Students are required to spend a minimum of half a school day in to attend the event.  If your family has a concern (such as a funeral, etc…) please reach out to us and we will work directly with your family.
  3. Tickets are on sale at lunch for $15.  Any family that may be in need financially, please reach out directly to us.  We will ensure that every child has the opportunity to attend.  We will keep it in confidence. 
  4. Finally, if your child is on Social Probation they are UNABLE to attend the dance.  If they purchased a ticket, please have them see me and we will refund their money.  Our teachers will be reviewing this list with our students on Friday morning.  Any questions regarding the 8th Grade Dance should be directed to Mr. McBee at


Computer Collection


Our computer collection takes place tomorrow.  Please have students bring chargers and their laptops.  Laptops need to be free of marks, stickers, etc…  In addition, the charger needs to be the charger issued by the school.  Any student who has not turned in their computer by the end of the school year will be charged for their laptop and/or charger.




Student’s QUEST selections were posted today.  There are a few key pieces that we want to share as well:


  1. If your child is leaving campus (Miami Whitewater, Jungle Jim’s, Harrison Amazing Race, JTM Food Tour, Pickleball and Pizza, etc….) they must complete a permission slip.  These forms are available in our school office.  Students may turn them in Friday, or have them in Hand with them on Tuesday prior to leaving school.  We will collect permission slips in the office, organize them, and give them to the QUEST leaders when the board the bus.
  2. Students doing the “Choose your Own Adventure Quests” do not need to report.  They are in your care.  Please remind them that they must send us a photo to to have their attendance counted for that day.
  3. QUESTs that have a cost (the max cost is $10) should bring that money with them and turn it into to their QUEST leader.  Those leaders will denote who turned in the money and ensure that it goes into the supplies they need for the QUEST.  Any student who needs to be scholarship, please let us know.  We have donors who will assist in ensuring that all students have the opportunity to participate.
  4. If you have any questions regarding QUEST, please reply to this email or email


Important Dates

May 24 & 25th – Student Leadership Retreat to Camp Joy

May 25th – Laptop Collection

May 26th – Grad Walk, Play Day, Awards Day, 8th Grade Dance (7-10)

May 30th – Quest Day

May 31st – Grade Level Days (or Back up Play Day if we have to cancel due to weather)

May 31st  - Commencement @ 7:30 (The BIGGEST DAY of the Year)