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SLSD: Listening, Learning, Acting

Posted on: May 18, 2024
Financial News

Last week, we continued our five part video series about how school finance works at SLSD. In the first video, we discussed how money is spent across our district, and how that money is focused on investing in people - our students and staff. And in the second video, we focused on how SLSD compares to other districts around Hamilton County. 

If you missed last week’s video, you can view them by clicking below:

Video #1:
Video #2:

This week, our finance series continues with a focus on the history of past levies here at Southwest, and how SLSD utilizes your tax dollars to ensure a quality education and opportunities for every student.  

You can watch this new video here:

The big takeaway is that SLSD has worked hard to minimize any additional levy asks of the community, while ensuring that SLSD continues to provide the excellence that our students, parents, and community deserves.

We continue to provide the information that we’ve been hearing the community ask for throughout our efforts to engage more directly with residents, parents, and students.

Stay tuned for Part 4 of our series, which will provide more information on the growth our SLSD community is currently experiencing!