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Stay Home and Stay Active with "P.E. Plus!"

Posted on: May 6, 2020
Phys Ed

Welcome to "P.E. PLUS"!


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends 60 MINUTES of DAILY ACTIVITY

(Being active is great for both the body and the mind)

Click the links at the bottom of the article, and check back weekly for new activities!


My goal is to provide you with P.E. activities each week.

These are not required.  However, feel free to use any activity as part of your brain bag.

Expect 3-5 items each week.

Items may include:
informational activities
fun facts
skill work


This is new to me - we will see where this takes us TOGETHER!

I wanted you to know, that through all this, I haven’t forgotten any of you.  You are on my mind constantly and I miss you dearly.

If you want to take pics/videos (or even if you have an idea for P.E. PLUS), as always, feel free to reach out to me at

Keep working on your fitness level.  Work hard and constantly try to improve your level of fitness. 

Everyone has different levels of fitness - work appropriately on your own level.


Mr. Sims

P.E. Plus Activities

P.E. PLUS #1 - Week of May 4

P.E. PLUS #2 - Week of May 11

P.E. PLUS #3 - Week of May 18