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Miamitown Back-to-School Information

Posted on: August 18, 2020
Back to School




- PARENTS are not permitted in the building on Opening Day.  If you need to speak to the Principal or any other staff member, please call to set up an appointment.

Arrival Procedures:

Bus Riders: All bus riders will enter the building through the cafeteria doors.  A temperature check station will be set up at those doors. If a student has a fever they will be sent to the Quarantine Room and the nurse will contact the parent to pick up the student.  Those students eating breakfast will do a grab-and-go and take their meal straight to the classroom.

Car Riders: All car riders will enter by the side doors.  A temperature check station will be set up by those doors. Parents are asked not to leave until the student passes that check point.

Walkers: All walkers will enter the front lobby doors.  A temperature check station will set up by those doors. Parents are asked not to leave until the student passes that check point.

Building Procedures:

- Staff temperature check will be completed before they come to work.
- We will have a nurse in our building every day from 8:00-1:00. The Clinic and Quarantine Rooms will be separate.
- Breakfast - pick up food and take to classroom.
- Grades 3-5 teachers will switch classrooms, not students.

Media/ - go into classroom. Read to students.  No Book check-out for first semester.
   - Classroom Libraries - teacher gives books/organizes return tubs for students for each week.
   - PE - end early and disinfect. Tape off squares.  Match teacher seating chart. Adjust activities to keep students distanced.
   - Art - on a cart. Sanitize shared items (scissors, etc.)|
   - Music - on a cart. No wind instruments. If using other instruments-end class early to sanitize instruments at the end of class.

- Restroom Breaks: no whole class restroom breaks. Students will be sent individually to the restroom. Classes will be assigned restrooms to use.
- Water fountains will be covered with bottle fillers. Students should bring a water bottle.

- Lunch: (50% capacity)
   - One grade level at a time.
   - Lunch line stickers are placed 6 feet apart.
   - Assigned seating.

- Recess:
Outside - no mask with social distancing.
   - Each grade level will use its own equipment and teachers will sanitize equipment after recess.
   - Inside - masks (individual teachers prepare indoor recess options and how to sanitize after/wash hands…)

- Hallway traveling: students will stay on right side.

- Visitors:
NO Banking for the first semester.
   - NO lunch visitors.
   - NO parties at this time.
   - NO volunteers for the first semester.
   - NO assemblies.
   - Veterans' Recognition will be held virtually.

- Open House: traditional form cancelled. Virtual open house / meet the teacher through Google.  Teachers will notify parents of virtual open house date and times, and log-in information.

- Kindergarten:
Parent orientation - Google Meet/Letter.
   - Phase-in first 2 days of school (1/2 on Tues./1/2 on Wed.) no parents attending with students.

- No musicals first semester.
Clubs: This will be based on the ability to social distance and wear mask.
RTI:  Will look different. Contained in classroom. Not cross contaminating students. Aide time assigned to each teacher.
- Homework: Classwork papers will sit a couple of days before being graded so expect a delay in Progress Book.
- We will be hiring a building sub who will report every day students are here.
- No class/group photos for Fall pictures.
- The pencil/notebook machine has been removed from the hallway.

Dismissal Procedures:

Dismissal: Bus riders will exit through cafeteria doors. Walkers and car riders will exit through lobby doors by grade level, except kindergarten who will exit through side door.

NO BUS PASSES: Due to contact tracing rules and social distancing procedures.

Dismissals will be by grade level to eliminate hallway crowding. No parents are permitted in lobby during dismissal. Parents will need to wear a mask and social distance when picking up students.

*Parents need to make sure all contacts are up to date, (Final Forms and office). Plans need to be made in advance for your child to be picked up from school if needed if your child becomes ill. Please make sure you have an established Physician.*

Virtual Students Only:

Computer pick up will be on August 27th and 28th, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the school office. Please come to front door and ring the buzzer.

Click HERE for a list of Frequently Asked Questions.

If you still have questions, call the school office at 513-353-1416.

Dave Kelly
Principal, Miamitown Elementary